More than a year has passed since the first actionable 4.3 versions were launched, which provided massive visual enhancements, a simplified WebI interface, a harmonized look and feel, and increased integration with SAP Analytics Cloud.
The Path to Hybrid SAP Analytics: Did you know that you can connect SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP BI Platform in under 20 minutes?
In a hybrid world where cloud and on-premise systems co-exist, it is vital to have connectors that inter-relate such areas. Increasingly, companies have a best-of-breed hybrid analytics scenario in place with SAP BusinessObjects as their enterprise BI Platform on-premise and SAP Analytics Cloud for augmented analytics, self-service and planning, as a cloud-based solution.
Customer success story - migration to the latest and greatest version of SAP BI Platform
By general rule, every 6 months we can expect a new version of the traditional on-premise SAP BI Platform, which comes with enhanced functionalities. In a world where everything moves to the cloud, for those customers that still want to leverage their current on-premise investments and aren't eager to see their data flying through the internet, a basic upgrade could be the ideal solution.