
A closer look at VPC peering and its business applications

A closer look at VPC peering and its business applications

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) peering is a feature offered by Amazon Web Services which allows you to quickly and easily group your AWS resources together in a single virtual network. This means that data transfer between resources is greatly facilitated, as you are able to use private IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to route data.

When a dashboard becomes transactional

When a dashboard becomes transactional

As experts in data warehousing and analytics we are increasingly faced with requirements where our customers need very advanced “dashboarding”. Their requirement may include the ability to execute transactional activities such as creating a Purchase Order, triggering a data process in a back-end system or providing “always on” multimedia streaming and broadcasting at a large scale and this across multiple devices (Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, etc).

Stunning visual reports created in a few simple steps - SAP Analytics Cloud

Stunning visual reports created in a few simple steps - SAP Analytics Cloud

Let’s see how simple SAP Analytics Cloud is to use in a practical scenario. Our example is the sales department of a multinational firm, using Excel to store extensive sales records. We’ll show how an analyst would use SAP Analytics Cloud to interrogate the dataset and create and share “Stories” - visualisations of key data for a nontechnical audience.

Machine Learning - from Mystical to Practical: an in-depth look at feature engineering

Machine Learning - from Mystical to Practical: an in-depth look at feature engineering

Feature Engineering is a crucial step in the process of building a Machine Learning pipeline, as the features will be used by the algorithm as predictors.

Therefore, it’s advisable to prioritise building and optimizing our features to make sure that we start with a robust data model - which will result in our machine learning model achieving good results.

Using SAP Analytics Cloud with on-premise data infrastructure

Using SAP Analytics Cloud with on-premise data infrastructure

SAP Analytics Cloud is the top-ranked solution for business intelligence, planning and augmented analytics. It provides pretty much everything you might expect from an analytical platform, with continuous updates adding new features. SAP Analytics Cloud is the top-ranked solution for business intelligence, planning and augmented analytics. It provides pretty much everything you might expect from an analytical platform, with continuous updates adding new features.

Get 2020 off to a good start - 8 reasons you should migrate to the new SAP BI 4.3

Get 2020 off to a good start - 8 reasons you should migrate to the new SAP BI 4.3

“Knowledge is power,'' as the saying goes, and this is particularly true in an industry where change is not the exception, but the norm. When new updates to mission critical software are on the horizon, you should be aware of new features and improvements ahead of time to plan your migration.