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Turn data into actionable insight with BI

Do you wish you had a clearer view on the performance of your company and feel you lack key information to guide your decisions? All the Data you gather in different departments is just piling up, isolated and useless? Taking your organization through the current fragile economy is already challenging enough to do it without visibility of what happens in your organization. In order to solve issues and take advantage of strengths you need to turn data into actionable insight. SAP business intelligence software solutions give you the visibility you need to make important business decisions based on key data and facts, not guess-work. They allow you to draw information from data, rather than just storing it for the sake of it.

Interactive dashboards and rich visualizations help you monitor your business performance at a glance, and the real-time insights allow you to adjust aspects of your business before they become a real problem.

Reporting allows you to access and transform corporate data into highly formatted and automatic reports, while interactive reports let you answer ad hoc questions and interact with data, building your own queries.

Analysis solutions help you determine trends from historical data and make better forecasts.

With data explorations tools you can find immediate answers to business questions in a search-engine manner.

With BI application design tools, your IT department will be able to create BI applications for specific audiences.

It´s not necessarily a matter of implementing each and everyone of the solutions. Depending on your particular needs and user types, you could select the more adequate tool. Take a look at the SAP Business Intelligence Solutions Comparison Matrix to understand a bit more about each product.

Take the example of Vodafone Turkey, they used Excel to manage their several marketing campaigns in the past, but this process was not only susceptible to human error, but also time-consuming. They needed a functional solution to serve multiple users and help them understand campaigns and act according to their results.

They implemented a central dashboard, a highly visual solution that could accommodate a large number of campaigns and variety of KPIs for both new and recurring campaigns. The Campaign Analytics Solution allows the team to analyze existing campaigns and design outlines for new ones based on key success factors. The dashboard also helps the team to understand the net take rate for each campaign compared to the targeted subscribers. And more significantly, marketers can now easily and definitively follow the revenue generated by each campaign.

If you wish to know how SAP Business Intelligence Solutions can help solve your company´s specific needs, contact us on or leave a comment below.